Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shankaracharya's Sadana panchaka

Sadhana Pancaka, a creation by the great Spiritual Master, Sri Adi Sankaracarya is a set of five slokas, which explain how the mind can be made free of thoughts and how one can reach the meditational status. These five slokas contain the gist of all the scriptures.

Study the Veda every day; do properly the karma prescribed therein; through that (act), worship the Lord (Èùa); give up the thought of doing an act with desire (for its fruit); shake off the group of sinful deeds; consider (mentally) the defect in worldly pleasure; strive for the desire (for the knowledge) of the Átmán (Self); get out of your home without delay.

Form association with good; entertain firm devotion for the Lord; practise Ùánti (calmness of mind) and so on; give up at once the fast-binding karma (action); approach the good, wise person (for knowledge); serve (worship) his sandal (feet) every day; seek (from him knowledge of Brahman, symbolized by the single Syllable (Om); listen to the Vedánta-vakya dealing with Brahman.

Ponder over the import of scriptural texts (Vedánta-vákyas) dealing with Brahman. Accept the view (verdict) of the Vádanta-texts. Deliberately desist from vain (bad) reasoning (discussion). Bear in mind (follow) the reasoning that is in accord with the scriptures (Veda). Always revolve in the mind the thought - ``I am Brahman''. Always give up pride. Give up the notion, ``I am the body''. Avoid vain discussion with the wise.

Cure the disease in the form of hunger; take in the medicine in the form of bhikúá (borrowed alms); do not ask for delicious (savoury) food; be contented with what is acquired providentially (without effort); endure patiently cold and heat and other (pairs of opposites); do not utter words in vain; have desire to be neutral (without taking sides); give up the attitude of being kind to some people and cruel to others.

Sit comfortably in a lonely (quiet) place; fix the mind on the Higher (Supreme) Self; seek the full (all-pervading) Átman within; consider this Universe as sublated by it; melt away (destroy) the effect of karma already done by dint of discriminating knowledge; get detached from future actions; go through the effect of karma which you have begun to experience here; finally remain (peacefully) in the exalted state of the Supreme Self (Para-brahman).

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